A Student's Prayer

Dear God,

I leave today and I am a little nervous, but mostly excited.  Lord you gave Solomon wisdom to make the right decisions; I could use a little wisdom as I head away from home.  I know there will be lots of temptations, so go ahead and deliver me from those too.  I am gonna make new friends right?  Because most of mine are going in different directions and I don't know if those relationships will be the same anymore.  Take care of my parents because they are having a hard time with me growing up.  Help me be patient with them as I am anxious to do my own thing.  I do love them and I thank you for the lessons of life and faith that they have taught me.  Jesus, help me see this journey through your eyes as an opportunity to increase your kingdom through my actions in love you and loving my neighbor.  I am going to mess up, so please be patient with me and provide lots of forgiveness. I promise to try and hang out with you each day, but I will probably be distracted from time to time so a little reminder here and there would not hurt.  I don't suppose you have a Facebook huh? Well I will have to get your status updates from prayer and Bible study then.  God, help me find a community that is seeking you so that I don't get lost wandering on my own.  Keep me strong with that favorite blessing you taught me: May the Lord bless you and keep you, may the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious unto you, May the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you PEACE! Talk to you soon


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