Walking in her mother's shoes

This morning, while I was getting ready, Amelia and Sophie were trying on Michelle's shoes.

It has always amused me that our little girls always want to wear their mom's shoes or dresses or jewelry. Then, one of the scriptures from this Sunday popped into my brain:
"Israel, Listen! Our God is the LORD! Only the LORD. Love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your being, and all your strength. These words that I am commanding you today must always be on your minds. Recite them to your children (Deuteronomy 6:4-7)."

And this one:

"Train your children in the way they should go; when they grow old they won't depart from it (Proverbs 22:6)."

Just like little girls like to try on their mom's shoes, they want to be just like their parents (at least early on). Our little ones are watching us! Even if you are not a parent, the young ones in your church are watching you. The scriptures tell us that it is our job to teach them about the faith! It is vital that we teach them what it means to follow Jesus, to love God with all their being, strength and heart. If you are only talking about God on the days that you worship, then know that is not enough. You are their biggest influence and they need you to teach and to model what it means to be a Christian.

1. Read your Bible together as a family. If you have small kids, then read storybook Bible together.
2. Practice what you preach: Show kindness, commit to a life group, show up (nearly) every week for worship, be generous. Do all these things because your kids are watching!
3. Talk about what it means to follow Jesus! Be honest

If you don't have kids then make it your priority to do these things so that you will grow in your faith.


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