Why a Mission Celebration?

I am very excited that we are hosting a Mission Celebration on March 18th this year at Rockbridge. Serving in the community has always been a passion of mine! There is a reason that Micah 6:8 is my theme passage! God requires us to act justly, to love mercy and walk humbly with our God. That means to me, at least in part, that we are called to serve our communities and that bringing God's kingdom means the poor, the oppressed, the suffering, and the hurting in our world are priorities for the church to help. So on March 18:

We are going to have local, regional, and international mission organizations here at Rockbridge so that you can see where you are called to serve! My goal and vision for missions at the church is for everyone to participate in some way serving outside the walls of the congregation. There should be something for everyone. We are looking at being missional, with our hope to be part of God's healing mercy both spiritually and physically. Ephesians 2:10 tells us that we are made for good works! Come on the 18th to see how God is calling you to serve others with your good works. Each person will have the opportunity to pray, give and go in mission. I hope you will prayerfully consider how God is using you to give toward helping others!


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