In the mist of sadness
This week Round Rock high school lost one of their students Kennedy Obilum. Unfortunately in this beautiful tragic life, we all experience loss. That loss is especially felt when a life is taken at a young age. Many of you may be feeling angry at others or even God. If that is you, know that it is ok to be grieving in that way. But do not keep your grief to yourself, find someone you can share it with. Most importantly share your anguish with God. There is an old Hebrew tradition found in the scriptures of sharing your feelings honestly with God, trust me God can handle it. Perhaps you are not directly affected by tragic death of Kennedy Obilum, but your friends are hurting and you don't know how to respond. Here are a few basic ways you can help: 1. Be present. Plan on being there for your grieving friend. 2. Let pain be pain. It is not your job too take away their pain or to try and minimize it. You don't even have to talk, just be there. 3. Listen. Really listen. ...